domingo, 6 de noviembre de 2011

About macaws

Macaws are intelligent, social birds that often are in flocks of 10 to 30 individuals. Their loud screams are usually listened in the forests. They vocalize to communicate within the flock, mark territory, and identify one another. Some species can even mimic human speech.

Flocks sleep in the trees at night, and in the morning they may fly long distances to feed on fruit, nuts, insects, and snails. Some species also eat damp soil, which may help to neutralize chemicals in their fruity diet and ease their stomaches. People do not know well how high macaws can fly but the average is 100m (328 feet).
The actual lifespan of a Large Macaw and Hybrid Macaw is between 35 - 60 years. The lifespan of the Mini Macaw is shorter, on average they will live 20 - 25 years. A 40 year old macaw will start showing the signs of aging and a 50 year old macaw is a very old bird!

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